Caltrain 25th Avenue Grade Separation

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Caltrain 25th Avenue Grade Separation

The 25th Avenue Grade Separation project for Caltrain raised the tracks and lowered the road (grade separate) at E. 25th Avenue in San Mateo. This improved safety for both motorists and pedestrians, and reduced local traffic congestion in San Mateo. In addition to separating the tracks and road at E. 25th Avenue, the project provided an opportunity to complete east-west street connections at 28th and 31st Avenues. A new elevated Hillsdale Station located at E. 28th Avenue was also constructed. The new station offers updated amenities and allows for better safety and reduced traffic.

Project Details

Location:San Mateo, CA
Amount: $82.9M
Delivery Method:Bid-Build
Client Name:Peninsular Corridor Joint Powers Board
Duration: 2017-2021