P1-133 Primary Sedimentation Basins No. 6-31 Reliability Improvements at Plant No. 1

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P1-133 Primary Sedimentation Basins No. 6-31 Reliability Improvements at Plant No. 1

This project is located at Plant No. 1 and the P1-133 portion, replaces the primary influent splitter box launders, replaces primary sludge pumps and VFDs, and installs a foul air sump pump.  Project No. FE19-11 adds a go/no-go alarm system based on loss of ventilation consistent with current NFPA 820 requirements, and new lighting fixtures in the main gallery at each of the primary sludge pumps.  Project No. P1-133 performs electrical work in the same areas as Project No. FE19-11 making it beneficial to combine the two projects.

Project Details

Location:Fountain Valley, CA
Amount: $6M
Delivery Method:Design Bid-Build
Client Name:Orange County Sanitation District
Duration: 2022-2024