This project includes several elements necessary to separate the existing headworks facility into two separate treatment systems that can be recombined as necessary based on process objectives. Shimmick’s work includes installation of a 72-inch FRP diversion pipeline, a 24-inch HDPE recirculation pipeline, separating slide gates and stop plates. Shimmick is also replacing three main sewage pumps, modifying the pump intake wet well vortex suppression system, upgrading the controls and installing grit removal.
These upgrades to the OCSD’s Plant No. 2 headworks and associated facilities are critical components of the sanitation district’s wastewater treatment facility. As such, Shimmick must maintain capacities continuously to avoid serious property and environmental damage and monetary fines. Thus, work restrictions and sequencing are an important element of the work associated with this project.
Shimmick is self-performing nearly 95 percent of the work, including all civil, mechanical, and electrical (installation, testing and commissioning) work.