
Electrical/Process Mechanical

Groundwater Replenishment System Expansion

The existing 100 million gallons per day (mgd) Advanced Water Treatment

Miramar Reservoir Pump Station Improvement Project – K-22-2058-DBB-3

The project consists of improvements to the existing 100-million gallon per day (MGD) Miramar Reservoir Pump Station.

Grandsen Pump Station Phase 2

The work involved the complete installation of the Grandsen Pump Station,

Point Loma Navy Fuel Pier Replacement

This project consists of replacing the U.S. Navy’s historic fueling pier 180

Pier G Berths Terminal Redevelopment

North Slip Backlands Development is part of The Pier G Redevelopment

Pier G East Berth Terminal Demolition

The Pier G Demolition project consisted of a full demolition of an existing