
Water Treatment

Groundwater Replenishment System Expansion

The existing 100 million gallons per day (mgd) Advanced Water Treatment

Antioch Brackish Water Desalination Project

The project will allow the city to preserve its water rights and provide inhabitants with approximately 6 million gallons of potable water per day.

Soledad Wastewater Treatment Plant

The Soledad Wastewater Plant consisted of three sets of ponds, including

Sunol Valley Water Treatment Plant Expansion and Reservoir

The Sunol Valley Water Treatment Plant was a 120 MGD facility. The facility

Pure Water Oceanside Advanced Water Purification Facility

Pure Water Oceanside is the first operating advanced water purification

Robert B. Diemer Water Treatment Plant

Shimmick's contract included constructing an ozone generation building, ozone contactors, contactor influent and effluent conduits, contactor rejection tunnel, liquid oxygen storage and feed system, and a chemical feed facilities.